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While the clocks we restore have been repaired and checked, there is quite often a process in setting up your clock. To this end we have put together a list of clocks which, by clicking on the link will answer many of the most common problems.

French clocks with separate pendulums

Once you get your clock home choose a suitable flat level surface, preferably away from heat sources. If the clock has a strike, it will either have a bell or a gong. A bell is held in place by a knurled nut, the widest part away from the bell itself. Unscrew this and place both the bell nut and bell to one side. 

A gong remains in-situ and you need to manoeuvre the pendulum around this.

You need to hang the pendulum inplace on the suspension which hangs down from the top middle of the movement. 

Take care not to move the fork which the pendulum sits in to the extremes of the side.

Setting the pendulum


These are usually straightforward to adjust, they will have a pendulum which has a knurled nut either in the middle of the pendulum bob, or at the bottom of the bob. Simply winding it up will speed the clock up, while the opposite is also true.

But, as a note of caution, you are looking of a mean average each week of plus or minus 4 minutes per week. some will be better than this.

French clocks with platform escapements

The ticking of these clocks is much quicker than a pendulum clock and can work on any angle or surface. Regulation is via the small are which protrudes down fro the platform. moving this arm from the right to the left will usually slow a clock down.  Small movements should be measured over a period of days to give the clock a mean average per week of plus or minus 3 minutes.


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